Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Distributors Wanted!!!!


It is a known fact that most foods and drinks we consume in Nigeria are carbohydrates, sugar and fat based.

Examples of such foods and drinks include rice, pap, noodles, bread, biscuits, cookies, chocolates, cake, ice creams, yam, plantain, garri, amala, semovita, coke, fanta e.t.c.

The commonest source of protein – BEANS – is seldom eaten in most homes while milk, eggs and meat are a luxury.

Our foods and drinks are grossly lacking in PROTEIN.

This has contributed to the high rate of diabetes type 2 and its sister hypertension that are experienced in this clime now. Other diseases like malnutrition, low sperm count, obesity, low memory and forgetfulness are also attributable to low intake of protein-rich foods.

It is with these in view that our Company decided to maximize the raw material we have in abundance in our clime called SOYA BEANS to make it edible and available as an alternative low cost protein source for our homes.

You may wish to know that on its own, soya beans cannot just be cooked and eaten like ordinary beans, this is as a result of the toxin that it contains, that toxin is a KILLER and if it is used removed before ingestion, it is very harmful to the body.

We have REMOVED THE TOXIN from soya beans (but still leaving the nutritional contents intact) by FERMENTATION and DE-TOXIFICATION and fortified the final product which we have called SOYAPLUS.

So, SOYAPLUS is a fermented and detoxified product of soya beans which has been made fit for human consumption

Soyaplus is a COMPLETE PROTEIN (because it contains the 9 ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS which the body cannot synthesize on its own)

Soyaplus is not only a complete protein, but it is also a great source of OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS and a wealth of other CRITICAL MICRO NUTRIENTS including Vitamin E, Magnessium, Potassium, Calcium and Iron

Soyaplus is a great source of FIBRE and thus good for our digestive system helping to prevent statis that leads to cancer formation

Soyaplus is good for everyone
· Pregnant Women
· Diabetics
· Hypertensives
· Sicklers
· Vegetarians
· Persons living positively with HIV/AIDS
· Immuno suppressed and Immuno compromised Persons
· Malnourished persons
· Orphans and Vulnerable Children
· Persons with High Cholesterol levels
· Persons who want to lose WEIGHT naturally

Soyaplus is approved and registered by NAFDAC with the Registration Number A1 – 70521

Soyaplus does not contain Preservatives or Additives or Colourings or Flavours, it is NATURAL and retains the natural brown colour of soya beans

1. Cancer
· Reduction in prostate cancer risk in men
· Decreased risk of death and recurrence of breast cancer in women
· Reduced risk of colorectal cancer in post menopausal women

2. Brain
· Improvement in cognitive function particularly verbal memory
· Improved frontal lobe function

3. Omega 3 Fatty Acids
· Omega 3 Fatty Acids are long chain fatty acids which have the beneficial effect of inhibition of blood clotting. They include alpha-linoleic acid (alNA), eicosapentaenoic acid (ENA) and docossahexaenoic acid (DHA)
· Soya bean oil has a better Omega 3 – Omega 6 ratio of 1:7, much higher than other cooking oils

4. Isoflavones
· Genistein and daidzein are types of phytoestrogen which are considered by some Dieticians and Physicians to be useful in the prevention of cancer.
· Isoflavones are closely related to the anti-oxidant flavonoids foundin other plants, vegetables and flowers

5. Cholesterol and Heart Disease
· Soyaplus is a cholesterol lowering food with other heart and health benefits
· Soyaplus contributes to a decrease in LDL (bad cholesterol) levels in the body
· A decrease in cholesterol level leads to a corresponding decrease in raised blood sugar
· Many soya products are beneficial to cardiovascular and overall health because of their high content of polyunsaturated fats, fibre, vitamins and minerals and a low content of saturated fat
· Soya protein decreases post prandial triglycerides which is increasingly viewed as important for reducing Cardiovascular disease risk

6. Phytic Acid
It acts as an anti-oxidant and a chelating agent thus reducing cancer incidence, minimize diabetes and reduce inflammation

Taken as Protein Tea:
Into a cup of warm water, put 2 tablespoonfuls of soyaplus, add 1 teaspoon of honey and milk (if desired), mix and drink while warm

Taken as Swallow:
Mix your semo or garri or amala with half cup of soyaplus and then prepare as normal

Taken with Cereals:
Add 1 tablespoonful of soyaplus to Pap, Cornflakes, Spaghetti, indomie, Quaker Oats e.t.c.

If this appeals to you, then send your Name, Location, Phone Number and a functional Email Address to 08189915555 and signify interest to become an Independent Distributor of Soyaplus: