Monday, April 22, 2013



·                     IF YOU ARE EMPLOYED
This provides you with a part time business where you can earn money to augment your salary

·                     IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A JOB
You can actually make a well paying job out of this business, if you consciously and sincerely apply yourself to it.

·                     IF YOU MAKE IT A BUSINESS
You are your own Boss and you can do the business even from your room so you don’t need to pay for shop rent, electric bills, office tax, water bill, security bill, staff salary and such other bills that traditional businesses contend with

·                     LEVERAGE/FREEDOM
a.       being your own boss, you decide when, where and how to go about your business; you build your own dream and not work another man’s dream. You set your targets and execute them at your own time without anyone threatening you with a sack. You have your time right on your hands.
b.      You enjoy Financial Leverage:
In this case, when you have built your network to a comfortable status, you enjoy your financial benefits (in form of bonus) from the activities of your team/network members. Even while you are sleeping, your money continues to drop.

You use other people’s efforts and money to grow. The more people you have in your network, the more growth you register. Paul Getty captured it properly when he said “I’ll rather have 1% of 100 people’s effort than have 100% of my own effort.”

·                     YOUR RESIDUAL INCOME IS FOR LIFE
Residual income is money that keeps coming in long after the job has been complete. For example, after building your network up to IPC 8, you might decide to take a leave, your bonuses will keep flowing in as long as your team/network members are doing the business.

So whereas residual income is for life, linear income (salary for paid job) stops as soon as the job stops either by retrenchment, resignation or retirement.

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